Health Autonomy:
Applying Studies for Health Solutions
What is this?
Health Autonomy: Applying Studies for Health Solutions is a one stop education to transform you from being confused and frustrated about your health and performance to being clear and confident about your health and performance. In this course, I will teach you how to take your health related questions and receive clear, science based answers; additionally, I give you the framework for how to apply those answers to your life for a better you. This is accomplished through a 5 step process:
1. Learning to define your health questions.
2. Learning how to find studies.
3. Learning how to analyze studies.
4. Learning how to extract answers from said studies.
5. Learning how to apply these answers to your life.
This course is designed for beginners - anyone without a science degree of any kind, as well as anyone with an undergraduate science degree; however, it is unlikely to be of benefit to anyone with an advanced science/medical degree. So, if you are someone who values your health, your ability to rely on yourself, and wants to be able to read and apply studies in your own life, this is the course you need.